May 252024

Isabel gave two talks at VSS, one was the Davida Teller address, in which she explained the transition from studying perceptual expertise to individual differences in object recognition (the talk should eventually be available here: and a presentation on Ting’s dissertation work (A General Ability for Simple and Complex Ensemble Judgments), which is now published in JEP:General (Chang, T.-Y., Cha, O. & Gauthier, I. (in press). A general ability for judging simple and complex ensembles. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. pre-print)

Conor Smithson presented a poster entitled (Visual and auditory object recognition in relation to spatial abilities), work in preparation with Jason Chow and Isabel. The poster is available here.

May 062024

Jisoo successfully defended her dissertation “The Role of Attention Control in Ensemble Perception in the Presence of Selection” on May 6th, in the presence of her committee members Tom Palmeri, Marcia Barnes, Randolph Blake and proud advisor, Isabel.

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