Jun 062018

In a Neuroimage article, Martens et al. (2018) write: “The perceptual process view sees expertise as a stimulus-driven, domain-general process, with expertise-related neural changes located in one specific region that encompasses the type of processing necessary for expert object recognition (Gauthier and Tarr, 1997). The expertise hypothesis, a more specific version, focuses on the relation [...]

Jul 232015

Many people are not aware of the option to submit replication articles at the Journal of Experimental Psychology:General. Here’s the list of replication papers recently published and in press. The effect of horizontal eye movements on free recall: A preregistered adversarial collaboration. Matzke, Dora; Nieuwenhuis, Sander; van Rijn, Hedderik; Slagter, Heleen A.; van der Molen, [...]

May 212015

The Vanderbilt Holistic Face Processing Test (VHPT-F) Jennifer J. Richler, R. Jackie Floyd, Chao-Chih Wang, David Ross and Isabel Gauthier PDF The Vanderbilt Face Matching Test Mackenzie Sunday, Jennifer J. Richler and Isabel Gauthier PDF Learned Attention in an object-based frame of reference Kao-Wei Chua and Isabel Gauthier PDF Cortical thickness in fusiform face area predicts face [...]

May 302014

At VSS2014, Isabel presented a short talk in the exciting and dynamic Individual differences brown bag organized by Jeremy Wilmer. In two minutes, she could do little more than advertise two recent studies from the lab which should be very useful to anyone interested in measuring the failures of selective attention that are a facet [...]

May 212014

Harel, Kravitz and Baker recently published an article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2013), Beyond perceptual expertise: revisiting the neural substrates of expert object recognition, which was also a poster at VSS (May19th, 2014). This is an opinion piece, and I believe that authors are entitled to their opinions, and that debate is generally good [...]

May 212014

Gender effects for toy faces: quantitative differences in face processing strategies Katlin Ryan and Isabel Gauthier PDF Does acquisition of holistic processing for novel objects depend on experience with diagnostic parts? Kao-Wei Chua, Jenn Richler and Isabel Gauthier PDF  Measurement of semantic knowledge of object categories: creating the Semantic  Vanderbilt Expertise Test (SVET) Ana E. [...]

Mar 252014

Rezlescu, Barton, Pitcher & Duchaine  (RBPD) recently published an article in PNAS, presenting evidence that two patients with acquired prosopagnosia were able to become “Greeble experts”. RBPD argue that this refutes a fundamental prediction of the expertise hypothesis. Although it is always interesting to hear about what specific patient can and cannot do, I would [...]