Dec 102012
The Greeble Cocktail By John Pyles 1 1⁄2 oz Gin 3⁄4 oz Crème Yvette 3⁄4 oz Lillet 1⁄4 oz Cointreau 1⁄2 oz Fresh Lemon Juice -Shake & strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a flower. The Pimo Cocktail (perhaps the most famous Greeble?) By John Pyles 1 1/2oz Applejack 3/4oz Clear Creek Cranberry Liqueur 1/2oz Fresh Lime Juice dash of [...]
Oct 182012
During that SfN session last week, Hans Op de Beeck also asked a question about McGugin et al. 2012. At the time, I actually misunderstood and thought that him and Nancy Kanwisher shared the same concern (see previous post). In fact, it turns out that Hans, unlike Nancy, agrees that the effects reported in Rankin’s [...]
Oct 162012
One reason to present at conferences is to hear criticisms from your colleagues. Rankin McGugin and Ana Beth Van Gulick were recently presenting their work at the SfN meeting in NewOrleans, in a very interesting Nanosymposium organized by Ido Davidesco on Extrastriate Cortex: Functional Organization Faces and Objects. Since the work they were presenting argues [...]