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The most recent posters from the lab can be found in the news section.
McGugin, R.W., Newton, A.T., Lewis, B.J., Convery, C.A., Eyoh, E.E., Gauthier, I., Cascio, C.J. (2025). Ultra-high resolution imaging of laminar thickness in face-selective cortex in autism. Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience.
Hooper, M.A., Tomarken, A., & Gauthier, I. (2024). Measuring Visual Ability in Linguistically Diverse Populations. Behavior Research Methods. pre-print , view-only journal link
McGugin, R.W., Roche, A., Ma, J. & Gauthier, I. (2024). Challenges in replication: does amygdala gray matter volume relate to social network size? Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience. online
Smithson, C.J.R., Chow, J.K., Chang, T.-Y. & Gauthier, I. (2024). Measuring object recognition ability: reliability, validity, and the aggregate z-score approach. Behavior Research Methods, pre-print
Chang, T.-Y., Cha, O. & Gauthier, I. (in press). A general ability for judging simple and complex ensembles. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. pre-print
Chow, J.K., Palmeri, T.J. & Gauthier, I. (2024). Distinct but related abilities for visual and haptic object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, pre-print
Gauthier, I. & Olatunji, B. (2024). Reduced Food Neophobia and Food Disgust in Colorblind Men. Motivation & Emotion, pre-print
Benear, S.L., Sunday, M.A., Davidson, R., Palmeri, T.J. & Gauthier, I. (2024). Can art change the way we see? Advance Online Publication. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18(5), 882–893. preprint
Chang, T.-Y., Cha, O., McGugin, R., Tomarken, A. & Gauthier, I. (2023). How general is ensemble perception? Psychological Research. pre-print
Gauthier, I. (2023). Expertise is domain-specific by definition – a comment on “Deep learning models challenge the prevailing assumption that face-like effects for objects of expertise support domain-general mechanisms” by Yovel and colleagues. PsyArXiv, 10.31234/
Chow, J.K., Palmeri, T.J., Pluck, G., & Gauthier, I. (2023). Evidence for a bimodal domain-general object recognition ability. Cognition. 238 (2023): 105542. pdf
Sun, J. & Gauthier, I. (2023). Does food recognition depend on color? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 30, 2219–2229. pdf.
Smithson, C.J.R., Eichbaum, Q.G. & Gauthier, I. (2023). Object recognition predicts category learning with medical images. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 8:9.
Gauthier, I. & Fiestan, G. (2023). Food neophobia predicts visual ability in the recognition of prepared food, beyond domain-general factors. Food Quality and Preference, 103, 104702. pre-print
Gauthier, I. Cha, O. & Chang, T.-Y. (2022). Mini review: Individual differences and domain-general mechanisms in object recognition. Front. Cognit. 1:1040994. doi: 10.3389/fcogn.2022.1040994
Kacin, M., Cha, O., & Gauthier, I. (2022). The relation between ensemble coding of length and orientation does not depend on spatial attention. Vision, 7(1):3.
McGugin, R. W., Sunday, M. A. & Gauthier, I. (2022). The neural correlates of domain-general visual ability. Cerebral Cortex, Apr 4;33(8):4280-4292. pre-print supplement
Chow, J.K., Palmeri, T.J. & Gauthier, I. (2022). Visual object recognition ability is not related to experience with visual arts. Journal of Vision, 22(7):1. pre-print
Chow, J.K., Palmeri, T.J. & Gauthier, I. (2022). Haptic object recognition based on shape relates to visual object recognition. Psychological Research, 86(4), 1262-1273. pre-print
Cha, O., Blake, R. & Gauthier, I. (2022). Contribution of a common ability in average and variability judgments. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 29(1), 108-115. pre-print
Chang, T.-Y. & Gauthier, I. (2022). Domain-general ability underlies complex object ensemble processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(4), 966-972. pre-print
Sunday, M. A., Tomarken, A., Cho, S.-J. & Gauthier, I. (2022). Novel and familiar object recognition rely on the same ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 676-694. pre-print
Chang, T.-Y. & Gauthier, I. (2021). Domain-specific and domain-general contributions to reading musical notation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 83(7), 2983-2994. pre-print
Kacin, M., Gauthier, I. & Cha, O. (2021). Ensemble coding of average length and average orientation are correlated. Vision Research, 187, 94-101. pre-print
Sun, J.& Gauthier, I. (2021). Car expertise does not compete with face expertise during ensemble coding. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 83(3),
Cha, O., Blake, R. & Gauthier, I. (2020). The role of category- and exemplar-specific experience in ensemble processing of objects. Attention, Perception & Psychophysic, 83, 1080–1093. link
Annis, J., Gauthier, I. & Palmeri, T.J. (2020). Combining convolutional neural networks and cognitive models to predict novel object recognition in humans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 47(5), 785–807. pre-print
Gauthier, I. (2020). What we could only learn about holistic face processing from non-face objects. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29(4), 419-425. pre-print
McGugin, R.W., Newton, A.T., Tamber-Rosenau, Tomarken, A., Gauthier, I. (2020). Thickness of deep layers in the fusiform face area predicts face recognition, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(7), 1316-1329. pre-print
Chua, K.-W. & Gauthier, I. (2020). The Vanderbilt Holistic Processing Tests for Novel Objects: Validation in Novice Participants. Journal of Expertise, 3(1) , 20–31. link
Sunday, M., Patel, P.A., Dodd, M.A., & Gauthier, I. (2019). Gender and hometown population density interact to predict face recognition ability. Vision Research, 163,
Chua, K.-W., & Gauthier, I. (2020). Domain-Specific Experience Determines Individual Differences in Holistic Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 49(1), 31-41. pdf
Chang, T.-Y. & Gauthier, I. (2019). Distractor familiarity reveals the importance of configural information in musical notation. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 1-14.
Sunday, M.A., McGugin, R.W., Tamber-Rosenau, B., & Gauthier, I. (2019). Visual imagery of faces and cars in face-selective visual areas, 13(9), e0205041. PLOSone.
Richler, J. J., Tomarken, A. J., Sunday, M. A., Vickery, T. J., Ryan, K. F., Floyd, J. R., Sheinberg, D., Wong, A. C.-N. & Gauthier, I. (2019). Individual Differences in Object Recognition. Psychological Review, 126(2), 226-251. pdf of accepted manuscript
Sunday, M.A., Dodd, M.D., Tomarken, A.J., Gauthier, I. (2019). How faces (and cars) may become special. Vision Research, 157, 202-212 link
Sunday, M.A., Donnelly, E. & Gauthier, I. (2018). Both fluid intelligence and visual object recognition ability relate to nodule detection in chest radiographs. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32(6), 755-762. pdf
Sunday, M. A., & Gauthier, I. (2018). Face expertise for unfamiliar faces: A commentary on Young and Burton’s ‘Are we Face Experts? Journal of Expertise. pdf
Gauthier, I., Chua, K.-W., Richler, J.J. (2018). How holistic processing of faces relates to cognitive control and intelligence. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80(6), 1449-1460. pdf
Ross, D.A., Tamber-Rosenau, B.J., Palmeri, T.J., Zhang, J., Xu, Y. Gauthier, I. (2018). High Resolution fMRI Reveals Configural Processing of Cars in right anterior Fusiform Face Area of Car Experts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(7):973-984. preprint
Sunday, M.A., Lee, W.-Y., Gauthier, I. (2018). Age-related differential item functioning in tests of face and car recognition ability. Journal of Vision, 18,2.
Gauthier, I. (2018). Domain-specific and domain-general individual differences in visual object recognition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(2), 97-102 link
Nevins, M., Maxcey, A., Gauthier, I. (2017). A face scavenger hunt: why we see faces in objects without faces. Frontiers for Young Minds. doi:10.3389/frym.2017.00067 link
Gauthier, I. (2017). My lab’s research comes under anti-science attack. Psychological Science Agenda, 31:7.
Sunday, M.A., Donnelly, E., Gauthier, I. (2017). Individual differences in perceptual abilities in medical imaging: The Vanderbilt Chest Radiograph Test. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2:36. link
Chua, K.-W., Bub, D.N., Masson, M.E.J. & Gauthier, I. (2018).Grasp representations depend on knowledge and attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 44(2), 268-279 pdf
Richler, J.J., Wilmer, J.B., Gauthier, I. (2017). General object recognition is specific: evidence from novel and familiar objects. Cognition, 166: 42-55. pdf data download tasks here
McGugin, R.W., Ryan, K.F., Tamber-Rosenau, B.J., Gauthier, I. (2017). The role of experience in the face-selective response in right FFA. Cerebral Cortex. may 3: 1-14. Epub ahead of print. pdf
Sunday, M.A., Richler, J.J. & Gauthier, I. (2017). Limited evidence of individual differences in holistic processing in different versions of the part-whole paradigm. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 79(5), 1453-1465. pdf
Gauthier, I. (2017). The Quest for the FFA led to the Expertise Account of its Specialization. A commentary on Kanwisher, N. (2017). The Quest for the FFA and Where It Led. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(5), 1056-1061. pdf
Wang, C.-C., Ross, D.A., Gauthier, I., Richler, J.J. (2016). Validation of the Vanderbilt Holistic Face Processing Test. Frontiers In Psychology: Perception Science, 7, 1837.
Ryan, K.T. & Gauthier, I. (2016). Gender differences in recognition of toy faces suggest a contribution from experience. Vision Research, 129, 69-76 preprintdata
Foss-Feig, J.H., McGugin, R.W., Gauthier, I., Mash, L.E., Ventola, P., & Cascio, C.J. (2016) A Functional Neuroimaging Study of Fusiform Response to Restricted Interests in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 8:15
Sunday, M., McGugin, R. W., & Gauthier, I. (2016). Domain-specific reports of visual imagery vividness are not related to perceptual expertise. Behavior Research Methods, 1-6. pdf
Gauthier, I. & Tarr, M.J. (2016). Visual object recognition: do we (finally) know more now then we did? Annual Review in Vision Science., 2, 377-396.
Wang, P., Gauthier, I., & Cottrell, G. (2015). Are face and object recognition independent? A neurocomputational modeling exploration. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf
Chua, K.-W., Gauthier, I. (2015). Category-Specific Learned Attentional Bias To Object Parts, Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. pdf
McGugin, R.W., Van Gulick, A.B. & Gauthier, I. (2016). Cortical Thickness in Fusiform Face Area Predicts Face and Object Recognition Performance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(2), 282-294. proofs
Lee, W.-Y., Cho, S.-J., McGugin, R.W., Van Gulick, A.B. & Gauthier, I. (2015). Differential Item Functioning Analysis of the Vanderbilt Expertise Test for Cars (VETcar). Journal of Vision, 15(13)
McGugin, R.W. & Gauthier, I. (2015). The reliability of individual differences in face-selective responses in the fusiform gyrus and their relation to face recognition ability. Brain Imaging Behav. 1-12.
Van Gulick, A.E., McGugin, R.W. & Gauthier, I. (2015). Measuring non-visual knowledge about object categories: The Semantic Vanderbilt Expertise Test, Behavioral Research Methods, 1-19, PDF download tasks here
Richler, J.J., Floyd, R.J. & Gauthier, I. (2015). About-Face on Face Recognition Ability and Holistic Processing, Journal of Vision, 15(9):15. pdf
Ross, D.A. & Gauthier, I. (2015). Holistic processing in the composite task depends on face size. Visual Cognition, 23(5), 533-545. pdf
Chua, K.-W., Richler, J.J., & Gauthier, I. (2015). Holistic processing from learned attention to parts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(4): 723–729. link
Folstein, J.R., Palmeri, J., Gauthier, I. (2014). Perceptual advantage for category-relevant perceptual dimensions: The case of shape and motion, Frontiers in Psychology – Cognition, link.
Cho, Sun-Joo, Wilmer, J., Herzmann, G., McGugin, R.W., Fiset, D., Van Gulick, A.E., Ryan, K, & Gauthier, I. (2015). Item Response Theory Analyses of the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT). Psychological Assessment.,27(2):552-66. pdf link to data
Richler, J.J., Palmeri, T.J., & Gauthier, I. (2015). Holistic processing does not require configural variability. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,22(4):974-9 pdf
McGugin, R.W., Newton, A.T., Gore, J.C., Gauthier, I. (2014). Robust expertise effects in right FFA. Neuropsychologia, 63:135-144. pdf
Folstein, J., Palmeri, T.J., Van Gulick, A.E., Gauthier, I. (2015). Category learning stretches neural representations in visual cortex. Current Directions in Psychology, 24(1), 17-23. pdf
Curby, K.M. & Gauthier, I. (2015). Interference between face and non-face domains of perceptual expertise: a replication and extension. Frontiers in Psychology – Cognition. link
Richler, J.J., Floyd, R.J., & Gauthier, I., (2015). The Vanderbilt Holistic Face Processing Test: a short and reliable measure of holistic face processing. Journal of Vision, 14(11): download task here
Ross, D. A., Richler, J.J., & Gauthier, I. (2015 ). Reliability of Composite Task Measurements of Holistic Face Processing. Behavioral Research Methods, 47(3):736-43 PDF
Cheung, O., Gauthier, I. (2014). Visual appearance interacts with conceptual knowledge in object recognition. Frontiers in Psychology – Cognition, 5:793.
Harrison, S., Gauthier, I., Hayward, W., Richler, J.J. (2014). Other-race effects manifest in overall performance, not qualitative processing style. Visual Cognition, 22(6): 843-864 PDF
Gauthier, I., McGugin, R.W., Richler, J.J., Herzmann, G., Speegle, M. & VanGulick, A.E. (2014). Experience moderates overlap between object and face recognition, suggesting a common ability, Journal of VisionPDF
Richler, J.J. & Gauthier, I. (2014). A meta-analysis and review of holistic processing. Psychological Bulletin, 140(5), 1281-1302. PDF
Wang, P., Gauthier, I., Cottrell, G. (2014). Experience Matters: Modeling the relationship between face and object recognition. CogSci 2014. PDF
Van Gulick, A.E, Gauthier, I. (2015). The perceptual effects of learning object categories that predict perceptual goals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 40(5): 1307-20 PDF
McGugin, R.W., Van Gulick, A.E., Tamber-Rosenau, B.J., Ross, D.A. & Gauthier, I. (2014). Expertise effects in face selective areas are robust to clutter and diverted attention but not to competition. Cerebral Cortex, 25(9):2610-22 PDF
Wong, Y.K., Peng, C., Fratus, K.N., Woodman, G.F. & Gauthier, I. (2014). Perceptual expertise and top-down expectation of musical notation engages the primary visual cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(8):1629-43. PDF
Chua, K-.W., Richler, J.J., & Gauthier, I. (2014). Becoming a Lunari or Taiyo expert: Learned attention to parts drives holistic processing. JEP:HPP, 40(3):1174-82. PDF
Clarke, A.M., Greczkowski, L., Mast, F.W., Gauthier, I. & Herzog, M. (2014). Deleterious effects of roving on learned tasks. Vision Research. 99, 88-92. PDF
Ross, D.A., McGugin, R.W., Gauthier, I. (2013). Heterogeneity of FFA responses or multiplexing? Trends in Cognitive Sciences. PDF
Williams, L.E., Blackford, J.U., Luksik, A., Gauthier, I. & Heckers, S. (2013) Reduced habituation in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 151(1), 124-132. PDF
Richler, J.J., & Gauthier, I. (2013). When intuition fails to align with data: A reply to Rossion (2013). Visual Cognition. PDF Goat high five PDF of Rossion 2013 (this exchange will be useful for those who want to measure holistic processing and want to decide which version of the composite task they should use).
Folstein, J. R., Palmeri, T. J., & Gauthier, I. (2013). Category learning increases discriminability of relevant object dimensions in visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex,23(4), 814-823. PDF
Richler, J.J., Palmeri, T.J., Gauthier, I. (2012). Meanings, Mechanisms, and Measures of Holistic Processing. Frontiers in Perception Science. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00553 link
Richler, J. J., Palmeri, T. J., & Gauthier, I. (2013). How does using object names influence visual recognition memory? Journal of Memory and Language, 68(1), 10-25. PDF
McGugin, R.W., Gatenby, Gore, J.C., Gauthier, I. (2012). High-resolution imaging of expertise reveals reliable object selectivity in the FFA related to perceptual performance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(42), 17063-17068. PDF Although PNAS did not allow this to be included in the final version, we dedicate this paper to the memory of Shlomo Bentin, who was among the first to discuss this work with us, a great scientist and influence for so many in the field.
Response to Kanwisher’s question about McGugin 2012
Response to Op De Beeck’s question about McGugin 2012
McGugin, R.W., Richler, J.J., Herzmann, G., Speegle, M. & Gauthier, I. (2012). The Vanderbilt Expertise Test Reveals Domain-General and Domain-Specific Sex Effects in Object Recognition. Vision Research, 69:10-22. PDF
Wong, Y. K., Folstein, J. R., & Gauthier, I. (2012). The nature of experience determines object representations in the visual system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 141(4):682-698. PDF
Wong, Y.K. & Gauthier, I. (2012). Music-reading expertise alters visual spatial resolution for musical notation. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19(4):594-600. PDF
Bukach, C. M., Vickery, T.J., Kinka, D., & Gauthier, I. (2012). Training Experts: Individuation without naming is worth it. . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(1):14-7.PDF
Folstein, J.R., Gauthier, I., Palmeri, T.J. (2012). How category learning affects object representations: Not all morph spaces stretch alike. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, 38(4):807-20. PDF
Richler, J.J., Cheung, O.S., Gauthier, I. (2011). Beliefs alter holistic face processing If response bias is not taken into account. Journal of Vision, 11(13):17, 1-13. PD
Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., Palmeri, T.J. (2011). Automaticity of basic-level categorization accounts for labeling effects in visual recognition memory, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, 37(6), 1579-1587 .PDF
Cheung, O., Richler, J., Phillips, W., Gauthier, I. (2011). Does temporal intergration of face parts reflect holistic processing? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18: 476-483. PDF
Mack, M.L., Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., Palmeri, T.J. (2010). Indecision on decisional separability. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18(1): 1-9. PDF
Richler, J.J., Cheung, O.S., Gauthier, I. (2011). Holistic processing predicts face recognition. Psychological Science, 22(4):464-71. PDF
Richler, J.J., Mack, M.L., Palmeri, T.J., Gauthier, I. (2011). Inverted faces are (eventually) processed holistically. Vision Research, 51(3):333-42. PDF
Richler, J.J., Wong, Y.K., Gauthier, I. (2011). Perceptual expertise as a shift from strategic interference to automatic holistic processing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(2):129-134. PDF
Wong, Y.K., Folstein, J., Gauthier, I. (2011). Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Expertise. J Vis, 5;11(14):3. PDF
Wong, A.C.-N., Zhiyi, Q., McGugin, R.N.W. & Gauthier, I. (2011). Interference in character processing reflects common perceptual expertise across writing systems. Journal of Vision, 11(1):15. PDF
McGugin, R.W., Tanaka, J.W., Lebrecht, S., Tarr, M.J., & Gauthier, I. (2011). Race-Specific perceptual discrimination improvement following short individuation training with faces. Cognitive Science, 35(2):330-47 .PDF
Bukach, C.M., Phillips, S.W., Gauthier, I. (2010). Limits of generalization between categories and implications for theories of category specificity. Attention, Performance and Psychophysics, 1865-1874.PDF
Cheung, O.S., Gauthier, I. (2010). Selective Interference on the holistic processing of faces in working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(2), 448-461.PDF
Curby, K.M., Gauthier, I. (2010). To the trained eye: Perceptual expertise alters visual processing. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2(2): 189-201.PDF
Folstein, J.R., Gauthier, I. and Palmeri, T.J. (2010). Mere exposure alters category learning of novel objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 1:40.PDF
Gauthier, I., Wong, A. C-N., Palmeri, T. (2010). Manipulating Visual Experience: Comment on Op de Beeck and Baker. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 235-236.PDF
McGugin, R.W., McKeeff, T.J., Tong, F., Gauthier, I. (2011). Irrelevant objects of expertise compete with faces during visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73(2):309-17.PDF
McKeeff, T.J., McGugin, R. W., Tong, F., Gauthier, I. (2010). Expertise increases the functional overlap between face and object perception. Cognition, 117(3): 355-60. PDF
Wong, Y.K., Gauthier, I. (2010). A multimodal neural network recruited by expertise with musical notation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4), 695-713.PDF
Wong, Y.K., Gauthier, I. (2010). Holistic processing of musical notation: Dissociating failures of selective attention in experts and novices. Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 541-551.PDF
Wong, Y.K., Twedt, E., Sheinberg, D., Gauthier, I. (2010). Does Thompsons Thatcher effect reflect a face-specific mechanism? Perception, 1125-1141.PDF
McGugin, R.W., Gauthier, I. (2009). Perceptual expertise with objects predicts another hallmark of face perception. Journal of Vision, 10(4): 1-12.PDF
Cheung, O.S., Hayward, W.G., Gauthier, I. (2009). Dissociating the effects of angular disparity and image similarity in mental rotation and object recognition, Cognition, 113(1), 128-133.PDF
Curby, K.M., Gauthier, I. (2009). The temporal advantage for encoding objects of expertise: Perceptual expertise is an early riser. Journal of Vision, 9(6):7, 1-13.PDF
Curby, K.M., Glazek, K., Gauthier, I. (2009). A visual short-term memory advantage for objects of expertise. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35(1): 94-107.PDF
Gauthier, I., Klaiman, C., Schultz, R.T. (2009). Face composite effects reveal abnormal face processing in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vision Research, 49(4): 470-8.PDF
James, K.H., Gauthier, I. (2009). When writing impairs reading: Letter perception’s susceptibility to motor interference, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138(3), 416-431.PDF
Mack, M.L., Wong, A.C.-N., Gauthier, I., Tanaka, J. W., Palmeri, T. (2009). Time-Course of Visual Object Categorization: Fastest Does Not Necessarily Mean First, Vision Research, 49, 1961-1968. PDF
Richler, J.J., Bukach, C.M., Gauthier, I. (2009). Context influences holistic processing of non-face objects in the composite task, Perception and Psychophysics, 71(3): 530-40.PDF
Richler, J.J., Cheung, O.S., Wong, A. C.-N., (2009). Does response interference contribute to face composite effects? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 16(2): 258-63.PDF
Richler, J.J., Mack, M.L., Gauthier, I., Palmeri. T.J. (2009). Holistic processing happens at a glance, Vision Research, 49, 2856-2861.PDF
Williams, N.R., Willenbockel, V., Gauthier, I. (2009). Sensitivity to spatial frequency and orientation content is not specific to face perception, Vision Research, 49, 2353-2362. PDF
Wong, A. C.-N., Palmeri, T. J., Gauthier, I. (2009). Conditions for face-like expertise with objects: Becoming a Ziggerin expert – but which type? Psychological Science, 20(9): 1108-1117. PDF
Wong, A.C.-N., Jobard, G., James, K.H., James, T.W., Gauthier,I. (2009). Expertise with characters in alphabetic and non-alphabetic writing systems engage overlapping occipito-temporal areas, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26(1), 111-127.PDF
Wong, A.C.-N., Palmeri, T.J., Rogers, B.P., Gore, J.C., Gauthier, I. (2009). Beyond shape: How you learn about objects affects how they are represented in visual cortex, PLoS One, 2(12), e8405.PDF
Cheung, O.S., Richler, J.J., Palmeri, T.J., Gauthier, I. (2008). Revisiting the Role of Spatial Frequencies in the Holistic Processing of Faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34(6): 1327-36.PDF
Hoffman, K.L., Ghazanfar, A.A., Gauthier, I., Logothetis, N.K. (2008). Category-specific responses to faces and objects in primate auditory cortex, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 10.3389/neuro.06/002.PDF
Mack, M.L., Gauthier, I., Sadr, J., Palmeri, T.J. (2008). Object detection and basic-level categorization: sometimes you know it is there before you know what it is, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 15(1):28-35.PDF
Richler, J.J., Gauthier, I., Wenger, M.J., Palmeri, T.J. (2008). Holistic processing of faces: perceptual and decisional components, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34(2):328-42.PDF
Richler, J.J., Tanaka, J.W., Brown, D.D., Gauthier,I. (2008). Why does selective attention fail in face processing? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34(6): 1356-1368. PDF
Curby, K.M., Gauthier, I. (2007). A visual short-term memory advantage for faces, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14(4): 620-628.PDF
Gauthier, I., Bukach, C. (2007). Should we reject the expertise hypothesis? Cognition, 322-330.PDF
Mack, M.L., Wong, A.C.-N., Gauthier, I., Tanaka, J.W., (2007). Unraveling the time-course of perceptual categorization: Does fastest mean first? Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1253-1258.PDF
Richler, J.J., Mack, M.L., Gauthier, I. (2007). Distinguishing between perceptual and decisional sources of holism in face processing, Proceedings of the TwentyNinth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1427-1432.PDF
Wong, C.-N, Gauthier, I. (2007). An analysis of letter expertise in a levels-of-categorization framework, Visual Cognition, 15(7): 854-879. PDF
Bukach, C. M., Bub, D. N., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J. (2006). Perceptual expertise effects are not all or none: local perceptual expertise for faces in a case of prosopagnosia, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(1): 48-63.PDF
Bukach, C.M., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M.J. (2006). Beyond faces and modularity: the power of an expertise framework, Trends in Cognitive Science, 10(40): 159-66.PDF
Gauthier, I., Wong, C.-N., Hayward, W., Cheung, S.-C. (2006). Font tuning associated with expertise in letter perception, Perception, 35(4): 541-49. PDF
Hayward, W.G., Zhou, G., Gauthier, I., Harris, I. (2006). Dissociating viewpoint costs in mental rotation and object recognition, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13: 820-825.PDF
James, K.H., Gauthier, I. (2006). Letter Processing automatically recruits a multimodal brain network, Neuropsychologia, 44(14):2937-49. PDF
James, T.W., Gauthier, I. (2006). Repetition-Induced Changes in BOLD Response Reflect Accumulation of Neural Activity, Human Brain Mapping, 27: 37-46.PDF
Behrmann, M., Marrota, J., Gauthier, I., Tarr, M.J., McKeef, T.J. (2005). Behavioral change and its neural correlates in visual agnosia after expertise training, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(4): 554-68.PDF
Gauthier, I., Curby, K.M. (2005). A Perceptual Traffic-Jam on Highway N170: Interference between face and car expertise, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14(1): 30-33.PDF
Gauthier, I., Curby, K.M., Skudlarski, P., Epstein, R. (2005). Individual differences in FFA activity suggest independent processing at different spatial scales, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5(2): 222-34.PDF
Grelotti, D.J., Klin, A. J., Gauthier, I., Skudlarski, P., Cohen, D.J., Gore, J.C., Volkmar, F. R., Schultz, R.T. (2005). fMRI activation of the fusiform gyrus and amygdala to cartoon characters but not faces in a boy with autism, Neuropsychologia, 43(3): 373-85.PDF
James, K. H., James, T. W., Jobard, G., Wong, C.-N., Gauthier, I. (2005). Letter processing in the visual system: different patterns for single letters and strings, Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 5(4): 452-66.PDF
James, T.W., Shima, D.W., Tarr, M.J., Gauthier, I. (2005). Generating complex three-dimensional stimuli (Greebles) for haptic expertise training, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 37(2): 353-8.PDF
Wong, C.-N., Gauthier, I., Woroch, B., DeBuse, C., Curran, T. (2005). An early electrophysiological response associated with expertise in letter perception, Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 5(3): 306-318.PDF
Curby, K.M., Hayward, W. G., Gauthier, I. (2004). Laterality effects in the Recognition of Depth Rotated Novel Objects, Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 4(1): 100-11.PDF
Gauthier, I., Behrmann, M., Tarr, M. J. (2004). Are Greebles like faces? Using the neuropsychological exception to test the rule. Neuropsychologia, 42(14): 1961-70.PDF
James, T. W., Gauthier, I. (2004). Brain areas engaged during visual judgments by involuntary access to semantic information, Vision Research, 44(5): 429-39.PDF
Palmeri, T. J., Gauthier, I. (2004). Visual Object Understanding. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 5, 291-303.PDF
Palmeri, T. J., Wong, A. C.-N., Gauthier, I (2004). Computational approaches to the development of perceptual expertise. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8:378-86.PDF
Gauthier, I., Curran, T., Curby, K.M and Collins, D. (2003). Perceptual interference evidence for a non-modular account of face processing. Nature Neuroscience, 6: 428-32.PDF
Gauthier, I., James, T.W., Curby, K.M., Tarr, M.J. (2003). The influence of conceptual knowledge on visual discrimination. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 3/4/5/6: 507-523.PDF
Goffaux, V., Gauthier, I., Rossion, B. (2003). Spatial Scale contribution to early visual differences between face and object processing. Cognitive Brain Research, 16:416-24. PDF
James, T. W., Gauthier, I. (2003). Auditory and action semantic feature types activate sensory-specific perceptual brain regions. Current Biology, 13(20): 1792-6.PDF
Gauthier, I., Hayward, W. G., Tarr, M. J., Anderson, A. W., Skudlarski, P., Gore, J. C. (2002). BOLD activity during mental rotation and viewpoint-dependent object recognition. Neuron, 34: 161-171.PDF
Gauthier, I., Palmeri, T. J. (2002). Visual Neurons: Categorization-Based Selectivity. Current Biology, 12, R282-284. PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr., M. J. (2002). Unraveling mechanisms for expert object recognition: Bridging Brain Activity and Behavior. JEP:HPP, 28(2): 431-446. PDF
Grelotti, D., Gauthier, I., Schultz, R. T. (2002). Social interest and the development of cortical face specialization: what autism teaches us about face processing. Developmental Psychobiology, 40(30): 13-25. PDF
Rossion, B., Curran, T., Gauthier, I. (2002). A defense of the subordinate level-expertise account for the N170 component. Cognition, 85(2): 189-196. PDF
Rossion, B., Gauthier, I, Goffaux, V., Tarr, M.J., Crommelinck, M. (2002). Expertise training with novel objects leads to left lateralized face-like electrophysiological responses. Psychological Science, 13(3): 250-257.PDF
Rossion, B., Gauthier, I. (2002). How does the brain process upright and inverted faces? Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews, Developmental Psychobiology, 1(1): 63-75. PDF
Gauthier, I., Nelson, C. (2001). The development of face expertise. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 11:219-224. PDF
Gauthier, I. (2000). What constrains the organization of ventral temporal cortex? [Commentary on Ishai, Ungerleider, Martin, Schouten.] Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(1): 1-2.PDF
Gauthier, I. (2000). Visual Priming: The ups and down of familiarity. [Commentary on James, Humphrey, Gati, Menon . Current Biology, 10(20): 753-756. PDF
Gauthier, I., Logothetis, N. (2000). Is face recognition not so unique after all?. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 17(1,2,3): 125-142. PDF
Gauthier, I., Skudlarski, P., Gore, J.C., and Anderson, A.W. (2000). Expertise for cars and birds recruits brain areas involved in face recognition. Nature Neuroscience, 3(2): 191-197.PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J., Moylan, J., Anderson, A. W., Skudlarski, P., Gore, J. C. (2000). Does visual subordinate-level categorization engage the functionally-defined face area?. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 17(1/2/3), 143-163.PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J., Moylan, J., Skudlarski, P., Gore, J. C., Anderson, A.W. (2000). The fusiform “face area” is part of a network that processes faces at the individual level. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12(3): 495-504. PDF
Rossion, B., Gauthier, I. , Tarr, M.J., Despland, P. , Bruyer, R, Linotte, S., Crommelinck, M. (2000). The N170 occipito-temporal component is delayed and enhanced to inverted faces but not to inverted objects: an electrophysiological account of face-specific processes in the human brain. NeuroReport, 11(1): 69-74. PDF
Schultz, R.T., Gauthier, I., Klin, A., Fulbright, R.K., Anderson, A.W., Volkmar, F., Skudlarski, P., Lacadie, C., Cohen, D.J., Gore, J.C. (2000). Abnormal ventral temporal cortical activity during face discrimination among individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome. Archives of General Psychiatry, 37: 331-340. PDF
Tarr, M. J., and Gauthier, I. (2000). FFA: A flexible fusiform area for subordinate-level visual processing automatized by expertise. Nature Neuroscience, 3(8): 764769. PDF
Gauthier, I., Behrmann, M., and Tarr, M. J. (1999). Can face recognition really be dissociated from object recognition?. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 11, 349-370.PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J., Anderson, A. W., Skudlarski, P., & Gore, J. C. (1999).Activation of the middle fusiform “face area” increases with expertise in recognizing novel objects. Nature Neuroscience, 2, 568-573.PDF
Gauthier, I., Williams, P., Tarr, M. J., and Tanaka, J. (1998). Training “Greeble” experts: A framework for studying expert object recognition processes. Vision Research. Special issue on “Models of Recognition”, 38: 2401-2428.PDF
Tarr, M. J., and Gauthier, I. (1998). Do viewpoint-dependent mechanisms generalize across members of a class? Cognition. Special issue on “Image-based Recognition in Man, Monkey, and Machine”, 67, 71-108. PDF
Tarr., M. J., Williams, P., Hayward, W. G., and Gauthier, I. (1998). Three-dimensional object recognition is viewpoint dependent. Nature Neuroscience, 1, 275-277.PDF
Gauthier, I., Anderson, A.W., Tarr, M. J., Skudlarski, P., Gore J.C. (1997). Levels of categorization in visual recognition studied with functional MRI. Current Biology, 7(9), 645-651. PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J. (1997). Becoming a “Greeble” expert: Exploring mechanisms for face recognition. Vision Research, 1673-1682.PDF
Gauthier, I., Tarr, M. J. (1997). Orientation priming of novel shapes in the context of viewpoint-dependent recognition. Perception, 26(1), 51-73.PDF